Materials List:
Swiss Alps Emergency Sled Design
Each group needs:
- Appendix A: Pre/Post Quiz (one per student)
- Appendix C: Student Performance Rubric (one per group)
- Appendix D: Engineering Prototype Brainstorming Design (one per group)
- Appendix E: Speed Calculation Worksheet (one per student)
- Appendix F: Differentiated Speed Calculation Worksheet (one per student, as needed)
- Appendix G: Technical Report Template (one per group per day)
- Appendix H: Engineering Log (one per group)
- Appendix J: Final Technical Report (one per group)
- stopwatch (or a smartphone timer)
- calculator
For the class to share (assuming class size of 25):
- ramp (thick poster board; 0.5 x 0.75 m) and supporting material (suggested: books, chair, small table, to angle the ramp)
- protractor (for setting up the ramp at a given angle)
- various recycled materials such as
- aluminum cans (10)
- water bottles (10)
- sandwich bags (50)
- plastic cups (50)
- aluminum foil (2.75 sq. m)
- plastic wrap (10 sq. m)
- Popsicle™ sticks (100)
- cotton balls (100)
- additional materials students may bring in (will vary)
- rulers (10)
- peanut packing (50)
- Appendix B: Description of Engineering Design Challenge
- Appendix K: Materials List (one per class)