Materials List:
ELISA and Point of Care Devices
Each student needs:
- 1 copy of the Pre-Assessment
- 1 copy of the Formative Assessment
- 1 copy of the Post-Assessment
- 1 lab notebook or paper for recording observations
Each group needs:
- 1 cardboard box (this will be one ELISA well)
- Copies of the ELISA Templates on two different colors of sturdy paper, as follows:
- 1 primary antibody template printed on sturdy colored paper
- 1 secondary antibody template printed on a different color of sturdy paper
- 1 light chain template printed on the same color of sturdy paper as the primary antibody
- 1 light chain template printed on the same color of sturdy paper as the secondary antibody
- 1 copy of the enzyme ELISA Templates printed on goldenrod acid base paper (available at Amazon) or pH paper
- 1 pair of scissors
- 1 roll of tape (double sided works best) or bottle of glue
- multiple pom-poms of different sizes and colors, preferably with some spikes (available at Amazon)
- 2 brown bags, one labeled Patient A Serum and one labeled Patient B Serum
- 1 set of Velcro tape or dots (available at Amazon)
- 1 water bottle or dropper
- 5-10 drops of vinegar