Materials List:
Bombs Away!
Egg Drop Experiment
Egg Drop Experiment
Give each student team the same amount of materials to build their devices. Suggested supplies are listed below, but feel free to be creative in what materials you make available. Scissors are the only tool they need.
- 1 raw egg (buy extras as inevitably some get broken before testing)
- tape, 2 feet; more tape makes the activity easier and less tape makes it more difficult so scale as you like
- white glue, such as Elmer's Glue
- a drop target, such as a dot painted on a grassy field, chalk on a sidewalk, etc.; it is important to be able to measure the distance from the target to the actual impact spots
- 1 measuring device, such as a ruler, yardstick or tape measure
- 10 sheets of paper, such as 8.5" x 11 copy paper, but any kind will do
- 1 large black plastic trash bag
- 10 pipecleaners
- 15 cottonballs
- 3 wide rubberbands
- 10 Popsicle sticks
- yarn, 6 feet
Feel free to be creative and include additional supplies or remove supplies from the above list. Alternate or additional supply ideas: foil, grocery bags, plastic straws, toothpicks or shaving cream. Consider including small rocks that may provide weight to keep device parts in place. When choosing materials, remember that some materials, like cardboard and foamcore board, make this task too easy, especially for older students. On the other hand, additional materials provide opportunities for student creativity.