Materials List:
Exploiting Polarization:
Designing More Effective Sunglasses
Designing More Effective Sunglasses
Each group needs:
- 1 pair of inexpensive, unpolarized sunglasses; such as 12 for $9 at Amazon
- paper and pencils
- 2 plastic Petri dishes, 5-10 cm in diameter size
- 1 6 x 6-inch polarizing filter per group, such for $10.50 each at Educational Innovations
- light sensor, such as the GoDirect® Light and Color Sensor for $79 by Vernier; alternatively, share one sensor with the entire class
- computer/tablet/cell phone, Bluetooth and free Graphical Analysis 4 software, downloaded from; to use the Vernier light sensor
- hot glue gun and hot glue sticks
- scissors
- (optional) pieces of thick cardboard (or other material) to protect tabletops from hot glue
- Sunglasses Design Grading Rubric, one per student
- Project Reflection Handout, one per student
To share with the entire class: