Materials List: Exploring Variables While Testing & Improving Mint-Mobiles
(for Middle School)

Each group needs:

  • Note: for mint-mobile construction supplies, the exact amounts required depend on the team's vehicle design; rough estimates are provided
  • plastic drinking straws (estimated 4-6; make sure the straw diameter is smaller than the mint candy's hole diameter)
  • Popsicle sticks (estimated 2-4)
  • lifesaver-shaped candies, such as Lifesaver® mints (estimated 3-6)
  • index cards (estimated 1-2; or thin cardboard or poster board scraps)
  • tape, any type; duct or masking preferred
  • scissors
  • paper and pencil
  • Design Worksheet, one per student

For the entire class to share:

  • ramp, for testing, made from sturdy poster board, rigid cardboard or thin wood
    • Gather two pieces of poster board, rigid cardboard, or thin wood of different lengths, for testing the independent variable of ramp length
  • meter stick, for measuring the distance traveled
  • pennies, for added mass during testing (estimated 10-30 pennies; depending on robustness of mint-mobiles, individually tape pennies on vehicles, or tape a little baggie of pennies to the design
  • tape, for securing the ramp, meter stick and pennies
  • (optional) hot glue gun and glue sticks