From soaring skyscrapers to tiny medical devices, it’s impossible to imagine our lives without engineering!
Engineering design is a vehicle for the integration of science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) into K-12 settings, as well as an outlet for creative problem solving and design-thinking. Bottom line, engineering matters!

To actively engage students...
through design-based projects while deepening their understanding of fundamental concepts.

To improve student learning...
through hands-on, project-based experiences that connect them to everyday STEM applications, and let them experience that design truly is a contact sport.

To raise the level of technological literacy...
through practical skills and a deeper comprehension of our dynamic modern world.

To increase participation in STEM fields...
innovation thrives when teams include varied experiences and viewpoints, fostering creativity and dynamic solutions.

To introduce exciting career paths...
by opening students’ eyes to how our lives are enriched by the work of engineers.
Engineering Habits of Mind
The National Academy of Engineering has identified six important engineering “habits of mind”: creativity, optimism, systems thinking, collaboration, communication and ethical considerations. These six ways of seeing the world are essential for all 21st century citizens as we seek to improve the ever-changing and increasingly complex world around us.
Engineers couple creativity and imagination with analytical skills to meet the needs of people while preserving our planet’s resources and cultures.
Engineers have a hand in designing nearly everything in our daily lives. Things like cars, computers, bubble bum and movie special effects are all products of imaginative engineering.
The innovations of engineers fuel economic growth, fortify national security systems, improve healthcare and safeguard the environment.
Engineers bring ideas to life; they are at the center of creative solutions to address current and future global challenges.
Now that you’ve looked into the world of engineering, learn even more in our What Is Engineering and What Is Design? lesson.
Explore the Various Types of Engineers!
Check out the 'What is Engineering?' Video!